Saturday, October 30, 2010

the little things...

This weekend is exciting and sad all at the same time for me and I am just trying to deal with it the best I know how.

My baby sister, that I love so much, is moving away to Mississippi this weekend to be with Derrick. I dont really know what to think about it. I am so glad she found the love of her life and is happy as ever now, but on the other hand I want her here. You really do take people for granted and think the people you love will always be around. I can't help but to think back on when we were little. We had so many fun times together (and not so much fun times together). There's the times we would dress up at Mema's with all of her old dresses and wigs and shoes. There's the time we played with Mema's measuring cups and tupperware and pretended to give Pa Chuck peanut butter and he would pretend he couldn't talk because his mouth was stuck together. She used to drive me crazy playing what she called "pinky" where she would make characters out of her fingers and play for hours. I remember when we shared a bed and she would try to get on my nerves and tap the headboard for like 20 minutes nonstop before going to sleep. We have so many times that our personalities would clash and we would get so mad at each other but I could never hit her to hurt her because she was my little sis and I didn't want anyone to hurt her, especially me. I remember when I was a senior in highschool and she was a freshman and we would see each other in the hallway and I would throw my hand up and yell "MAAACE" and she would in return yell "PAAAAIGE" and we would hug each other. I miss the little things. Since I have moved out I dont see her near as much as I would like but I always knew she was just a few miles away .. now she is going to be 9 hours away and then in March they are moving to Arizona, even farther away. 

If I have ya tearing up by now you're not alone... the whole front of my shirt is soaked.

Macy, I love you and I wish you the absolute best in life. I will never forget the "little things". 

 ^^^ I love this face ^^^
I love my little sister sooooo much

NOW .. for some good news about the little human growing in me...

Today I am 6 weeks pregnant! Not too much nausea yet. However, I am tired all the time and my face is breaking out .. GREAT! :/ .... This week my little "bushrod" will be developing a chin, jaw, ear canals, and little black dots that will eventually be eyes and he/she is about the size of a nail head :) EEEKKK its so exciting.


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