Thursday, January 19, 2012

catching up ..

Hey guys! Remember me? haha .. Okay so it's been OVER A YEAR since I wrote on here last. To be honest, I had totally forgot about having a blog. SO .. LOTS to catch up on I suppose! Well obviously since the last post I have had my BEAUTIFUL baby boy, Tyler Clay Buck.

Cutest little face you've ever seen!? I THINK SO! :) He was born June 23, 2011 at 8:45 p.m. via C-Section and weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and 19.5 inches long. I always knew it would be awesome to be a mommy..but folks, I seriously never ever knew how much a person could love something so small and you've never even met them, until I held that little boy in my arms. He has made my life so much more worthwhile and I have NO idea what I ever did without him lol. Looking back I can say now that I wasn't living until I saw his sweet precious face. Bobby & I are SO proud :)

I know in a few posts back I had wrote about not being able to wait to experience his first christmas with us.. Well .. it was a blast. Tyler was sort of scared of the wrapping paper at first but he got over it real quick when he figured out how much fun it was to chew on it :-/ lol.. he's a rotten mess :) ..
So anyway .. ya know how I tend to plan stuff WAYYY before they need to even be thought about.. WELL!.. The feller's 1st birthday will be in approximately 5 months y'all! So, in order to be able to do everything I want to do and it not drain the bank account i've started on some of the decorations.. Here's a little sneak peek of some of the stuff i've finished ..
 The little stacked ball thing is an unfinished cake stand i'm making.
It will have a clear glass plate on top of it and his cake will sit on that.
 I am SOOOOO excited about his party. It's seriously all I've thought about since the end of December hehe... 

I guess I'll leave it at that.. I've gotta go get ready for work so I can spend all my time before then hugged up to my little tylerbug :).. who wouldn't want to cuddle up to this ^^^ haha

Sunday, November 28, 2010

10 weeks

I haven't wrote on here in a long time so I thought I'd catch everyone up on everything that has been going on...

Some really awesome news is that I haven't been sickly in 3 whole days .. I can't tell you how relieving it is to be able to eat and enjoy eating. It's definitely wonderful. Today I am 10 weeks and 1 day so guess whats coming up!!....
THE HEARTBEAT!!!! Yes folks we go on Friday at 10 A.M. to hear it. I can not tell you how excited we are. I am hoping for an ultrasound too but I don't think they normally do that the first visit. :( oh well... 

 We got the best deal the other day that we could not pass up. We got the crib, changing table, and dresser all for 250 brand new. Is that a deal or is that a deal?!? I cant wait to put it all together and stuff.. its gonna be so much fun. I found the cutest bedding ever for a boy too tonight. However I have changed my mind on the name now lol... I guess we will just worry about it once we know the sex.

I am SOOO excited about Christmas time. It is my MOST favorite time of the year. Our tree is up and decorated with red and silver ornaments. All of the presents we have so far are wrapped (in matching wrapping paper, mind you). The stockings, garland, lights, etc... are ALL up. Have I mentioned I love christmas? Next year is going to be SO much fun with the baby too...We cant wait. Here are some pics :)

Jason brought Allibeth over today to see Aunt Paige for a few hours and she was watching Jason play the playstation. She was dying to play with the remote so we got an old remote and left it unplugged. She sat there and pushed the buttons and thought she was playing and was completely focused. It was cracking me up!!

Well folks thats all I got for now.. :) 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What's in a name?

We have been talking about names for both genders. The girl name was set right off hand. We chose Callie Rae for a girl. The boy's name on the other hand drove us crazy. We couldn't really agree on anything at first. Bobby wanted something simple and I wanted something cute and meaningful. We had gone through several names. The only one I mentioned that Bobby liked were Braiden. But come to find out my sister said she has always said if she had a boy she would name it Braiden Gage soo that was out.. 
WELLL.... one night I was laying here in bed and trying to pull names from our families that I could put together to make a name.
Here is what I came up with:
macy ELIzabeth - my sister
JAson robert - my brother
DANny ray - Bobby's brother
= Elijah Daniel Buck
BUT if its  a boy we will call him Eli.. not Elijah (because bobby says its too exotic) lol he is so silly sometimes... 
Isn't that a cool name though from our family??
Bobby didn't much care for Elijah but he liked Eli so I finally talked him into agreeing to call him Eli and just let his name be Elijah.
I almost hope its a boy just so he can have that awesome name. 
Not to mention I already have the whole boys room allllll planned out.. I know you are thinking "Paige?? have something planned out like wayyyy before it even needs to be? Noooo.." lol Well believe it folks.. You're listening to the girl that bought her wedding dress the DAY AFTER Bobby proposed to me :) hahahaha I know I know I cant help it.. It was the perfect one though and it was on sale...and everyone loves a sale!

Anyway.. on to the next topic..
I had picked out this carseat to match the Jeep its black with orange trim and is AWESOME. Its from 0 - 100 lbs and this kid will never need another car seat. Well.. Momma was at Essex the other day and called me and said "PAIGE I FOUND THE CARSEAT YOU WANTED FOR $75 AT ESSEX!!" I was shocked.. brand new carseat for over half the regular price... Its pretty bad-a and I am pretty proud of it myself.... Thanks to Uncle Doug who got it for us for our shower gift :) love you and aunt brenda!!
Here's a pic!
Well I guess that's all I got for tonight.. I gotta lay down before these vitamins kick in...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

7 weeks :)

So last night we went to Lowe's and looked at Christmas stuff. I absolutely LOVE christmas time and decorating. I even get excited when I hear the christmas music.. Which BTW, My favorite song is Santa Baby...
haha funny story for ya... 
UMM like two years ago I was really really hoping Bobby was going to propose so to "hint" at him I recorded the part of Santa Baby on my phone that said "Santa Baby, forgot to mention one lil thing .. a ring.. i dont mean on the phone..Santa Baby so hurry down the chimney tonight" .... well it didn't work cuz he didn't propose till the following April lol.. but it was still funny...
I LOVE lighting a fire in the fireplace and cuddling up on the couch with Bobby and drinking hot chocolate and watching "Elf" .. Its just the best. And I look forward to next Christmas sooooo much now to share all that fun stuff with lil "bushrod." :) Today I am seven weeks pregnant. The book says that this week the baby takes a huge growth spurt from like 4 mm and ends up being a half inch.. Bobby still says it looks like a little alien or newt or something lol.. 27 days till we hear the heartbeat :) YAYYY

Saturday, October 30, 2010

the little things...

This weekend is exciting and sad all at the same time for me and I am just trying to deal with it the best I know how.

My baby sister, that I love so much, is moving away to Mississippi this weekend to be with Derrick. I dont really know what to think about it. I am so glad she found the love of her life and is happy as ever now, but on the other hand I want her here. You really do take people for granted and think the people you love will always be around. I can't help but to think back on when we were little. We had so many fun times together (and not so much fun times together). There's the times we would dress up at Mema's with all of her old dresses and wigs and shoes. There's the time we played with Mema's measuring cups and tupperware and pretended to give Pa Chuck peanut butter and he would pretend he couldn't talk because his mouth was stuck together. She used to drive me crazy playing what she called "pinky" where she would make characters out of her fingers and play for hours. I remember when we shared a bed and she would try to get on my nerves and tap the headboard for like 20 minutes nonstop before going to sleep. We have so many times that our personalities would clash and we would get so mad at each other but I could never hit her to hurt her because she was my little sis and I didn't want anyone to hurt her, especially me. I remember when I was a senior in highschool and she was a freshman and we would see each other in the hallway and I would throw my hand up and yell "MAAACE" and she would in return yell "PAAAAIGE" and we would hug each other. I miss the little things. Since I have moved out I dont see her near as much as I would like but I always knew she was just a few miles away .. now she is going to be 9 hours away and then in March they are moving to Arizona, even farther away. 

If I have ya tearing up by now you're not alone... the whole front of my shirt is soaked.

Macy, I love you and I wish you the absolute best in life. I will never forget the "little things". 

 ^^^ I love this face ^^^
I love my little sister sooooo much

NOW .. for some good news about the little human growing in me...

Today I am 6 weeks pregnant! Not too much nausea yet. However, I am tired all the time and my face is breaking out .. GREAT! :/ .... This week my little "bushrod" will be developing a chin, jaw, ear canals, and little black dots that will eventually be eyes and he/she is about the size of a nail head :) EEEKKK its so exciting.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Making progress...

So we have three bedrooms to pick between for the baby .. and which one do I want the nursery to be? The one that is already set up and pretty and doesn't need any work to the room that it is right now. BUT in order to make that a nursery we have to move that furniture into the other room that is FULL of stuff from the wedding, me moving, christmas decorations (and any other decorations throughout the year), boxes galore and this huge futon that bobby had the whole time we were dating that he refuses to throw away. Then there is the "man cave" as Bobby likes to call it. It is a much much smaller room, more like an office than a bedroom, and has all of his fishing stuff in it, golf clubs, camping equipment, posters all over the wall of Jessica Simpson and Michael Jordan jerseys, a Hinder poster, his diploma from Tech,  a dart board.. you name it and its probably in there or in the closet of that room. On Monday, Paige gets this great idea to clean out the room with the futon.. sorry if i'm losing you.. and I got all the crap out of it and organized the closet. Well yesterday, Bobby said he was bored. Bad mistake when I want to get something done to the house :) .. So we cleaned out the "Man cave" and its closet and had a TON of stuff to throw away. Then, we took off all the trash of both rooms and still had a whole livingroom full of stuff that needs to be sold or given to a church or something. After we got back from taking the trash off we moved the futon into the "Man Cave" and made it like a little place someone could watch tv or play video games or something. Looks MUCH better though. So BOTH rooms are now empty.. the job for this Sunday night is to move the other furniture OUT of the nursery and into the spare bedroom. Its getting there though! YAY!. 

Now for some fun stuff...
Mom, Jason, Becky, Logan, & I all went shopping in Mount Juliet and Lebanon last Saturday. Just so you know.. I LOVE shopping for baby stuff.. I loved going into the baby department and just looking around at everything before I was even pregnant and now that I am and I can actually buy stuff (not much stuff because nothing is gender neutral anymore) it is SO awesome. So... here are a few things I bought :)

 Mommy loves me :)
Most precious thing you've ever saw?? I think so!
I have also started a scrapbook.. I only have two pages done right now but I have so many ideas that I want to do to it :) .. here is one of the pages...


Well here I am!

Well, let me just start out by saying that getting this blog to look the way I wanted it to took me 2 hours and I dont much think I will be attempting that again! haha.. So tonight I was on facebook and Krystal Bowman had updated her blog and I was reading it thinking I should start one of these and then she told me I should  and it doesn't take much to talk me into doing something that sounds fun sooo here I am!! But anywho, let's get to the first "real" thing I want to blog about. 

(a.k.a. "lil bushrod") .. i'll explain in a minute

October the 16th was a Saturday morning and I just had been feeling different and so I took a pregnancy test thinking I'm probably just overreacting and thinking too much into this. Well three minutes later I was sitting in the bathroom with two pink lines one which was pretty faint. So i'm thinking to myself "There has GOT to be a reason for this faint line and I only know of ONE." So I went into the livingroom and Bobby was watching his morning cartoons... which drive me crazy because they are like Yu-gi-oh and boyish cartoons like that.. Anyway! I wait until his show goes into commercial cuz I wanted his full and undivided attention and I said, "B I think you should know that you might be a daddy!" He looks up at me with the calmest face and says "What do you mean?" I proceeded to tell him about the faint line and he said we would go get a digital one that said either "pregnant or not pregnant" and take it again in the morning, but not to tell anyone today. 
WELLL... for me hiding what could be AWESOME news from everyone was awful. I felt like I could explode all day long but I stayed strong and held it in. We went to Walmart got the clearblue digital test and waited till morning. 
Next morning I popped up out of the bed with excitement and ran into the bathroom, did my business and waited the three minutes with my eyes closed and my heart pounding. I was thinking the whole time "God please let this say pregnant." So three minutes went by but it felt like an hour and I opened my eyes and THERE IT WAS.. 

I am here to tell you right now, other than when Bobby asked me to marry him, I don't think I had ever been so excited in my entire life. 
I ran into the bedroom and jumped on Bobby and showed him and he was in shock and said thats great babe I need to call the insurance and see i need to switch anything over lol.. All day he was saying "This feels so wierd I can't believe I am gonna be a daddy." Now he can't stop talking about it and what all we need to be looking for to buy and stuff. It's so sweet.
I wanted to be sure to tell mom and Mary (bobby's mom) in person just to see their reaction. I had texted everyone and told them and called my real dad to tell him he would be a grandpa and he seemed real excited about it. So we proceeded on to church and once we got out we got a bite to eat and went to Walmart. We had planned on getting little onesies that said something about grandmas and giving those to mom and Mary but they didn't have any cute gender neutral ones sooo we just got cards instead that said something about "your grandbaby is on the way". Afterwards we headed over to momma's to tell her before Allibeth's (my brother's little girls) first birthday party. Well momma only read the first few lines and started screaming HYSTERICALLY and jumping up and down and crying and yelling. I mean I was kinda shocked at HOW excited she was. So then momma drove me over to where my daddy Lonnie was at and he was just tickled pink. 
We went to Allibeth's birthday party and left after about an hour or so and went to Bobby's mommas. I walked in and acted all normal and whatnot and I handed her the card and she said "what is this for?" I told her just to open and it she would find out. Well she read through it and smiled real big and looked up at Donny (his dad) and said "I'm gonna be a grandma" and they were both just tickled. 

Well after the parents were told I posted it on Facebook and then most of Jackson County knew about it after that. 

So about the "bushrod" name... I was at work one night between rounds looking at boy names that started with a "B" and someone actually named their kid "Bushrod" and I got so tickled at that name and was telling Bobby we could name our kid lil Bushrod Buck lol.. It was so funny and ever since then we have referred to it as "Bushrod" until we know otherwise lol. 

Bobby suggested that I start scrapbooking every month my measurements and stuff so I did.. here is the 4 week picture I put in the scrap book..

- Paige